Levels - ETutorBoard

The EtutorBoard Curriculum

EtutorBoard Supplementary Math is a well-researched curriculum that supplements mathematical skill development of students in elementary grades through high school. EtutorBoard has a well-defined formula of supplementary mathematics that enriches the existing school curriculum.

The curriculum focuses primarily on the following areas:

  • Arithmetic
  • Algebra
  • Logic
  • Problem solving
Supplementary Math Curriculum Levels

EtutorBoard Supplementary Math Curriculum is organized in terms of levels. Each level focuses on specific areas of mathematics that are described below. The skills are incorporated between levels as more in-depth concepts are introduced.


In this level EtutorBoard introduces the concept of numbers from 1 to 20 in a gradual manner.


In Level-2 students learn to add and subtract numbers up to 20 without carrying and borrowing concepts. Simple addition and subtractions are introduced gradually. Students master the concept of numbers up to 20.


In Level-3 students are introduced to numbers up to 100, small and big, even and odd, place value, and much more. Several problem-solving techniques are introduced.


In this level EtutorBoard develops skills in complex addition and subtraction up to 100 and introduces the concept of simple algebraic patterns. Further, the students will be given exercises to become comfortable with numbers up to 1000.


In Level-5 students develop skills in complex addition problems up to 1000, multiplication using repetitive addition, inverse relationships, introduction to basic algebra, algebraic patterns, and problem solving.


Level-6 helps the student master big numbers up to 4 and 5 digits in addition and complex multiplication. EtutorBoard develops strong number and place value skills at this level. Further, at this level students develop algebraic and problem-solving techniques with the introduction of algebraic expressions with multiplication.


In Level-7 students master the skills of division and multiplication using several problem-solving techniques. Students master the ability to comprehend complex expressions with division.


In Level 8 the student reviews many of the subjects learned earlier and is introduced to fractions and decimals. Students master the skills of complex division using fractional notation to represent remainders.


In Level-9 the student is introduced to logic using odd and even numbers, several algebraic expressions and expressions with negative numbers. Complex fraction arithmetic is also introduced.


In Level-10 students begin work with concepts such as squares, cubes, square roots , cube roots, complex expressions and substitutions of variables in algebraic equations. In addition, students become more familiar with algebraic equations and with substituting values and evaluating the expressions.


In Level-11 students learn simple linear equations, decimals, percentages, conversion of decimals, fractions and percentages, complex arithmetic and much more.


Level-12 introduces complex linear equations with fractions, squares, cubes, and roots. It introduces concepts of rounding, and truncating in decimals and fractions. Also students learn the concept of functions through several complex exercises.

During the learning process, EtutorBoard provides hints (when requested) and feedback for the student to encourage growth. A typical student will learn much faster if additional support, feedback, and timely help is provided. At appropriate times EtutorBoard will assign problems from old focus areas in order for the student to incorporate previously learned skills with the new skills. The student will constantly be encouraged to improve in accuracy and speed of problem solving. Almost all tests in the real world have a time component, and a student's ability to increase speed of computation will ultimately reflect in superior performance on tests of any kind. Attempts to improve the speed at which problems are solved will ultimately help the mind work faster with fewer diversions. EtutorBoard uses these two elements along with other necessary information to enhance each student's skills in mathematics.

EtutorBoard assigns a series of evaluation tests after the student joins EtutorBoard. Based on the results of each test EtutorBoard creates new sets of problems and test the student again. This process continues until EtutorBoard finds the right and comfortable level for the student.